busy day
yesterday was the busy day i'd been anticipating for almost 2 months. at noon i went to the salon to see danielle, my aveda lady. i've only been to her a total of three times in the last year (december 2007 for a style after my hospital stay, april/may for a cut before m & t's wedding & now december again). she agreed to the fact that i'd been butchered at my last cut at the hair college & vowed to fix it. we'll have to wait until next time to do anything different because she repaired the damage done by the student cutter.
(as soon as i'm on my own computer i'll post a pic)

after that i met s at his place & walked downtown (sans s) to see my friend's booth at 'what a load of craft 5!' a bad@ss craft show in one of the bars. she makes dresses, mostly with vintage fabric & patterns or no pattern at all. she's totally talented. i hung out & got to see her first sale (in less than 2 hours of setting up!), which was exciting.
then, back to hang at the house for an hour until we left for cr & the roughriders game. technically, we got there halfway through the 2nd period of the iowa v. iowa state game. it was pretty passive & we just sat at the top of the rink to watch since it was mostly empty. we hit up cici's pizza for the buffet, just like last year in the blizzard, even though it was just the two of us. their garlic cheese bread bites are delish! and back to the rink with plenty of time to catch the big show. the roughriders were playing the fargo force, which made it hard for me to decide who to root for, but s agreed that fargo was playing much better defense. we quietly cheered them on while surrounded by rabid roughriders fans & some 6 to 7 year old boys at their first hockey game sat behind us asking questions. we also spent part of the game watching an adorable 16 month old baby one row over who was completely enjoying herself & turned out to be the daughter of one of s's nerdy gamer friends.
all in all, it was a good day & we ended the evening by watching the second & third episode (which i hadn't seen & was sooo good!) of pushing daisies. ridiculous that such a good show has been cancelled.
Ooh-la-la! You look very chic and sleek!
thanks! this was, of course, immediately after leaving the salon. replicating it (since my straightening iron has languished at s's house for 3 months) is another matter entirely!
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