Sunday, December 23, 2007

year in review: november 2007

the month of no insurance

after getting bills for 2 hospital stays that added up to about eighty-five hundred dollars, i really appreciated the unions that negotiated my pay & benefits. then i received a call that said i don't have insurance & it should've been cancelled two years ago. this was all because i had been let go from my initial hospital job & re-hired in my current position 2 weeks later & things were not properly reinstated. somehow blue cross continued to pay for two years (they brought it up once last year & i was told it was resolved), then decided i really wasn't supposed to have it & they didn't want to have to pay for such a sick-y. eventually things got sorted out, but only by going through the university ombudsperson & the director of the benefits office, all the while receiving bills for all my bloodwork & hospital stays. hopefully everything's all resolved now.

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