Friday, March 04, 2011

the party don't stop

The pity party, that is. Harhar!
The stress from S's unemployment dispute being denied (and hoping in some small, traitorous way that he won't appeal the decision, therefore having to go to court and extending my stress, not to mention his) is causing me to end up going out of remission or forming an ulcer. Yay, for more steroids to cure me (& plump me up)! Just as I'd lost a pound or two.
But all is not lost, at least not entirely. Home life in general is fairly decent, S's mom is turning 60 next week and we're having a big celebration for her on Sunday, we got to see my darling baby neice 3 weeks ago and she's cuter than ever (very proud Auntie Em here), getting an awesome Lush package (thanks Suzanne!) and our little fur baby, Grover, turned 2 on the 23rd. That little monster is one of the best things to happen to either of us. Unfortunately, he was a sick doggie on his b-day and we had to pick up some puppy probiotics (go figure!) on the day. He was much improved by the weekend & demolished his new loofah dog from grandma & grandpa.
Another encouraging event, not that I'm the marriage-hungry type, is that S has changed from saying "if we get married" to "when we get married" in the rare conversation. Not that I feel 32, but it's creeping up on me. And it saddens me little sad to say that occasionally looking at wedding stuff online is a little exciting. I've never been that girl, don't really want to be, but I think I would love to have a classy, intimate ceremony and a big reception afterwards. Guess I'm something of a girly-girl deep down after all.

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At 3/11/11, 11:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew you had it in you! The girly-girl stuff that, is. ;)

At 3/18/11, 11:33 AM, Blogger SUEB0B said...

Ah life. Take care of yourself.


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