Tuesday, June 28, 2005

pink slip

wahoo! i got fired last thursday. downsized, displaced, bumped. whatever way you slice it, i'm out of a job as of thursday. fun times.
i may as well be a transient the way i can hold a job recently.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

quirkyalone: a review

quirkyalone: a manifesto for uncompromising romantics by sasha cagen was mentioned on unleashed a while back, so i picked it up from the library. the basis is the personality type of the quirkyalone: a person who doesn't need to be in a relationship to feel complete. one needn't be a loner or a wallflower, simply not willing to settle or be in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship. they believe in romance.
the book itself resembles a textbook on the outside & is broken up into chapters such as the origin of the word, born or made, loneliness vs. solitude, quirkytogethers and quirkyalones throughout history. brief interviews with quirkyalones are interspersed throughout the chapters to show the variety of ages, careers, locations and life philosophies.
once the word was introduced to cagen's circle of friends & a short article she wrote appeared in utne reader, a grassroots movements seems to have emerged & the idea spread. this was the inspiration for the book & delves into different quirky-types, and there are many. quirkyslut, quirkytogether, quirkyromantic to name a few.

i am a quirkyalone; i will not settle for anything less than love.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

aug 4

that's the day my brother will be deployed.


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

you're such a pansy!

to view all the pictures from my trip

home: take 1

south project road
des lacs river valley
5/28/05 8:32pm

Sunday, June 05, 2005

sharing the peace

i go to church (elca) by myself every sunday, but i always feel a little awkward when it gets to this part of the service. i'll stand there waiting for the people in the pew in front of me to turn around & notice or glance at the people behind me at the exact moment they're shaking hands & saying 'G-d's peace' to the people behind them. then when i'm no longer invisible to the congregation at large, i have half a dozen people standing in front, behind & beside me with their hands out. i absolutely dreaded this moment at wednesday night communion in college, even though i was always there with friends/roommates. this was particularly nerve-wracking because 'sharing the peace' at cc that meant hugging. (actually, that was why a lot of people went to communion at all. lots of cute boys to hug. ) *yikes* my timing is impeccable, honestly.
how 'bout you guys? does this ever happen to you?

Friday, June 03, 2005

old-time memories

there's no place just like this place anywhere
near this place, so this must be the place.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

quote of the evening

"before we move on to the healthy sexual views of the amish..." -z


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