pink slip
wahoo! i got fired last thursday. downsized, displaced, bumped. whatever way you slice it, i'm out of a job as of thursday. fun times.
i may as well be a transient the way i can hold a job recently.
come on in, there's plenty of room
wahoo! i got fired last thursday. downsized, displaced, bumped. whatever way you slice it, i'm out of a job as of thursday. fun times.
quirkyalone: a manifesto for uncompromising romantics by sasha cagen was mentioned on unleashed a while back, so i picked it up from the library. the basis is the personality type of the quirkyalone: a person who doesn't need to be in a relationship to feel complete. one needn't be a loner or a wallflower, simply not willing to settle or be in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship. they believe in romance.
i go to church (elca) by myself every sunday, but i always feel a little awkward when it gets to this part of the service. i'll stand there waiting for the people in the pew in front of me to turn around & notice or glance at the people behind me at the exact moment they're shaking hands & saying 'G-d's peace' to the people behind them. then when i'm no longer invisible to the congregation at large, i have half a dozen people standing in front, behind & beside me with their hands out. i absolutely dreaded this moment at wednesday night communion in college, even though i was always there with friends/roommates. this was particularly nerve-wracking because 'sharing the peace' at cc that meant hugging. (actually, that was why a lot of people went to communion at all. lots of cute boys to hug. ) *yikes* my timing is impeccable, honestly.
there's no place just like this place anywhere
near this place, so this must be the place.