game night
last night we finally had the game night we'd been trying to arrange for weeks. and it almost didn't happen because our friends were stuck at dinner from 6.30 to 9.30. they eventually showed up at the house before 10pm and we played the ZAPiT Game Wave for over 2 1/2 hours.
we started with a round of 4 degrees because it was still in the console from the last time we played. a brief explanation that it is similar to trivial pursuit and breakdown of the scoring and the game was on. c mentioned that he'd heard of Game wave, but then couldn't remember if it was because i'd mentioned it while back when i first got it. m was excited that i was able to do this trial just like the LypSyl Bzz campaign.
the next game we tried was veggie tales. it took some time to load and we had to eject to remove a smudge from the disc. for some reason we found this a little more difficult than the 5 & up designation. perhaps we were making it harder than we should have. my past skills at memory match when i was a kid were thwarted when i only matched 1 set of cards. it is nice for children though because there are no losers, only gold, silver, bronze & honorable mention.
after some not-so-family-friendly cursing at the veggie tales game, we moved on to click! c & m had wanted to play the wheel of fortune-like game from the start. unfortunately for s, 3 times her knew the answer to the puzzle, but accidentally clicked past the solve button on his turn, which gave m the win. we played 2 rounds as a result.
next up was lock-5. once we realized it was similar to yahtzee we go the hang of it and played 3 games. if it hadn't been after midnight & i had to work at 7am, everyone else wanted to play more. for good measure, we played one quick game of re-wind to round out the evening. our guests words: "this was fun! we have to do this again soon!"
i'll have to remember to find the coupons from my bzzkit (the came in the 1st box with the non-working console) & tell them about them & see where we can purchase locally. we're still talkinga bout picking up the bible trivia game.
ps~this is a copy of my review for bzz